Nkondo Hilfe e.V.
A corn mill for Nkondo
Every year at the end of the dry season comes a lot of work for the women in Nkondo and surroundings, because all fields are harvested and prepared for the next cultivation. Especially laborious is the harvesting and grinding of corn to corn flour, from which later the traditional food Ugali is cooked. The corn is scraped by hand from the cob, the grains are then crushed into flour in an arduous process with stones or wood.
To ease this hard and time-consuming work, we have bought a motor-driven corn mill. The women pay a small fee for the use depending on the amount of corn they grind into a common fund. This will cover the costs of maintenance and the necessary fuel. But still the women of the area have to carry all their corn to Nkondo and back.
For the future we are planning to purchase further corn mills, so that every village of the municipality Nkondo has one and thus the complicated and often kilometers long transport on foot will not be necessary in the future.
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